Naturally Toned LLC

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4 Ways I prepare for a successful morning!

Hey team “we wanna lead a consistent healthy lifestyle”!! I hope this blog finds you physically and mentally healthy! 

Let’s talk a little about preparing for a successful morning. Your morning has the ability to shape your entire day (especially that special Monday morning). There’s a reason the saying goes “Good morning” not “so so morning” or “whack morning”... Good. 😉

Here are my tips for a “Good” start:


A good morning starts the night before. Create a routine that’ll promote a good night’s rest. Drink some water, disconnect from social media, take a shower, etc. Try to get at last 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep (some may need less some may need more). 


Every morning when you open your eyes say “I am grateful for...” Literally anything, from the person you’re laying with to opening your eyes & having a bed to sleep on & a warm place to live & even your heartbeat! It’s a good habit to form... which leads me to the next suggestion... 


I am a Christian. I read the daily verse and pray in journal format before I get out of bed because it directs me into a positive mindset. If you believe in the universe & meditation, do that. Start with 15-20min. Instead of popping into social media the instant you wake up, shift into mindset of gratitude and optimism. It may take a while to learn what works best for you, but it’s worth the effort. The same way we exercise our bodies, we must exercise our mindset 💛

4: EAAATTT!!! 😋

Mmm... yummy to my tummy!! Drink water, eat some carbs & protein & fruits... eat something. Nourish your tummy and your brain. Pick up those sugar levels and feel less irritable.  You ever seen the Snickers commercial “you’re not yourself when you’re hungry?” That’s too real for me! Also, it’s a safety call for me. Sometimes you have no clue when you’ll have lunch, but at least you had breakfast 😉

A basic recipe for a successful morning. It works for me. I hope it helps you too!!! 

-Flo J. 🌺